• Thursday, December 14, 2006

    Vegetarian food in Bangkok and feeling low about schools....

    I've come to the conclusion that, despite what you'll read elsewhere, Thailand is not the best place for a vegetarian. Thai food is nice but it is mostly meat-based.

    I've somehow got out of the habit of cooking for myself during the day so potato is almost completely out of my diet too. For the first time today I actually felt like something is missing from my diet. Giving up meat was easy, no problem. Never really liked meat that much anyway and never felt comfortable with the way animals are kept prior to being slaughtered for meat so giving up meat was easy. However it left a gap in my diet and today is the first time I've ever really felt that.

    I eat a lot of salad and fried rice, once I've explained how to make it without meat. Pasta is readily available and tofu is in a lot of dishes, but usually alongside meat. Fortunately I can still eat noodle soup, minus the meat balls. Ordering noodle soup with no meat is considered very strange behaviour. One seller eventually agreed but gave me a look of disgust for some reason. Anyway, Thailand isn't the greatest place for us veggies.

    Downtown there are a few good vegetarian restaurants and there are Indian restaurants that always have a good selection of vegetarian food but away from Bangkok's epicentre and options are thin on the ground.

    Last day of school tomorrow for the daughter and I officially announced to the head that she won't be coming back after the school hols. Oddly enough this has left me feeling like shit. I hope we're doing the right thing. She loves the school and talks incessantly about her mates. I think the move is for the right reasons but I just hope we make the right choice of school. As much as she seems to like her school she is completely happy about moving and hasn't once protested. If she had I would consider leaving her where she is until she has to leave but not a word against it so far.

    Vegetarian food in Bangkok and feeling low about schools....



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